1. EB-5法案还未定稿,直到昨天各方还在继续拉锯,其中条款细节;
2. IIUSA已经提交了一份立法建议,并且还在继续准备立法建议;
3. EB-5法案试图搭车的预算案,尚未出炉;
movement will be very limited,也就是说,就算本财年排期还能前进,那么也是非常有限的。
1. 不反对通过签证预留,但是预留的签证应该从其他地方获取,否则将造成实质性的立法回溯,中国申请家庭大面积超龄;
2. 如果不能增加签证,那么至少应该可以在申请过程中,在子女年满18岁之后,更换给子女,为美国节约绿卡,并提升移民素质;
3. 问题项目投资者的保护,包括“Material
As a EB-5 Chinese investor, I am already very sad to see that I need to
wait over 10 years for my visa. Now I hear that the new draft is even going to
prolong the waiting time. This is a devastating news to me and many other
investors like me.
Reserving visa for new applicatants is unfair for all existing applicants.
This is equal to encourage people to cut in line. It is unacceptable.
Please consider increasing the visa quota or shortening the waiting time
to increase Chinese investors’ confidence to the US.
Regardless of the reasons for promoting EB-5 reforms, at least a minimally
acceptable program for EB-5 families that have already invested in and are not
free to withdraw is the minimum that the US government that advertised the
Beacon of Freedom should do at least. . Abandoning applicants who trust in the
United States is not what responsible legislators should do.
This is my proposal for the immigration program.
1. I have no objection to the reservation of visa places, but the reserved
signatures should be obtained from other places. Otherwise, they will be traced
back to substantive legislation, which will cause China to apply for a large
area of family overage;
2. If it is not possible to increase visas, then it should at least be
possible during the application process that the main applicant can change to
the children after they reach the age of 18, save green cards for the United
States, and improve the quality of immigrants;
I expect your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you very much
Visa Backlog: Would drafters be open to
creative solutions to relief to EB-5 visa backlog that would not require new
visa numbers?
If children were able to take their parents place as
principal investor and maintain their priority date, it would not affect
the dollars and jobs that benefit the U.S. economy while also reducing the
number of individuals waiting for a visa number to be available (as parents of
the children would not be eligible for derivative benefits from their child).
The approximately 92,000 people in line for an EB-5 visa. These people are
already in for a long wait with an annual quota of about 10,000 visas, and the
EB-5 reform act has set-asides that would reduce generally-available visa
numbers to about 6,900 per year. The situation will be especially bad for people
from China, Vietnam, and possibly India. Those people already in line didn’t
plan to wait 17 years or so for conditional green cards — and neither did the
projects accepting their investment. The bill does not include on-purpose
retroactivity (it doesn’t make TEA, investment amount, or job creation changes
apply to people who already filed I-526), but past investors will be severely
affected by the visa set-asides, and potentially by new restrictions that affect
regional centers and investment projects.
1. 能够白宫请愿(链接地址:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov,哪位投资者若发起请愿,请联系我进行传播,募集10万签名不应该是难事);并联络美国媒体,要求立法公正。正如Suzanne所言,法案没有回溯条文,但是将造成回溯事实,对已经递交申请的中国/越南乃至印度投资者,这是极其不公平的。
2. 通过相关议员的网页/Facebook和Twitter联系他们,发声音给他们;
3. 联系美国媒体,制造舆论压力;
4. 联系你的项目方/区域中心/律师,让他们为你发声,否则长排期下的退款压力,对任何各方都无力承受;
1. Chuck Grassley(参议院司法委员会主席):https://www.grassley.senate.gov/constituents/questions-and-comments
2. Bob Goodlatte(众议院司法委员会主席):https://goodlatte.house.gov/contact/
3. John Cornyn(参议院多数党党鞭):https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact
4. Mitch McConnell(参议院议长):https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform
5. Paul Ryan(众议院议长)https://paulryan.house.gov/contact/email.htm
1. Chuck Schumer(民主党参议院/城市派大佬):https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
2. Jeff Flake(共和党参议员/偏城市派大佬):https://www.flake.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact-jeff
3. Rand Paul(参议员曾提出过EB-5改革提案):https://www.paul.senate.gov/connect/email-rand
4. Jared Polis(众议员曾提出过EB-5改革提案):https://polis.house.gov/contact/
5. Patrick Leahy(参议员大佬曾经的EB-5最大支持者):https://www.leahy.senate.gov/contact/
1. IIUSA(EB-5行业协会):info@iiusa.org
2. EB5IC(城市派EB-5协会):info@eb5coalition.org
文章来源:EB5Sir 美国EB5一点通